Page name: Castle in the Clouds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-14 15:20:56
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HELLO ALL, AND WELCOME TO Castle in the Clouds


All are welcome to join. Anything goes, however there is one rule! You have to be fair. You must always remember that life isn't planned and that anything can happen. Most importantly, Please respect the other members!


The story behind this kingdom ~ The castle has been around since the dawning of time, tho its always been hidden until recently. Several hunderd years ago outcasts from a small land far away, stumbled across the castle. They were soon joined by others who had been thrown out of their homes because of a difference in opinion. They quickly set up a council so that all could have a say in what went on in the kingdom. The laws that were laid down by the Founders have stayed as the basis for the society. The castle doors are guarded by two dragons, belonging to Aurora and Bakuryu.


Castle Members <---That link, is where you can add the decription of your character. If you want to be a part of this wiki, you must make a character.

Castle Training Room <---Is also allowed to be used for RPing! Thought you guys/gals might like a place to train. If you have a problem with another member of this wiki, deal with it here. I dont want it on this page!

If you want to have normal converstations, then go to Normal Convo's Only Please. I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I just rather this page, and the training room only be used for RPing

The bedrooms <--Every member will have his or her own room. It is your own room, do with it what ever you like.


Please do all RPing in the comment section. This space needs to be reserved for information about the Castle. The only ones allowed to change the information on this page are Aurora and Bakuryu.


If you have any questions, just send them to [Angelic nightmares] and they will be answered.


I'm not tolerating much crap anymore. Anyone who vialates the rules of this wiki, will be banned.

Username (or number or email):


2005-11-24 [Angelic nightmares]: "[Omega Zeon]" Aurora yells standing up "If you want to fight someone that damn badly, go to the fucking training room! And quit shiting and pissing on the fucking castle. One more rude comment like that and your ass will be banned from here. And dont even fucking try my patience! I've had enuf of all this fucking bull shit! Quit fucking destroying the castle!"

2005-11-24 [Angelic nightmares]: She then turns to [Lorric] "Its totally understand Lynx. You dont have to worry. I just wish I knew where Bakuryu and Haley were..." She then turns around and walks off in the direction of the river.

2005-11-24 [night shade]: thor then goes over to god of light and darkness and cast a spell on him so he cant regenerate then turns into a dragon and bites off his head and turns back into a human and says "YOU NEVER HIT A GIRL ASSHOLE"

2005-11-24 [Omega Zeon]: *breaks the spell* ill just let my friend brolly take care of u*grins and teleports away

2005-11-24 [Omega Zeon]: *he is full of rage* KAKROT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-11-24 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin looks at them fight and thinks in his mind thats why he works alone

2005-11-25 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora apprears out of no where, and crosses her arms and glares at [Omega Zeon] then says in a stren voice "If you want to fight then go to the Castle Training Room"

2005-11-25 [KnightAngel]: *sits down then offers Aurora some selfmade tea* Made it from some worthy ingredients I located in your magnificent forest *looks to the forest with dreamy eyes*

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: *goes up to knight and lifts him up* Where is Kakarot.TELL ME NOW!

2005-11-25 [KnightAngel]: *bangs his hands on each side of ussj's head* Let go off me...

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: WHERE IS HE!!!!!!!*he punches him in the face* TELL ME AND I WILL SPARE U,IF UR LUCKY THAT IS.

2005-11-25 [KnightAngel]: *yawns* please you have already been warned dude... You should try and listen to those who made it... They told you to cool down and that incase you wanted to fight then to do so in the trainingroom...*sighs and sits down*

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: *his rage and anger rises* u stupid human im just looking for another of my kind so tell me where he is or i will kill u. Its as simple as that*his hair turns blue*

2005-11-25 [KnightAngel]: *yawns and turns to Aurora* Now like I asked before we where so rudely interrupted... Want some tea? Selfmade..

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: *blasts the pot* stupid tea drinking pansey.

2005-11-25 [KnightAngel]: *makes another cup* now was that really neccesary?

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: *smirks* yes tell me or die*he blasts the new cup*

2005-11-25 [KnightAngel]: *shakes his head and takes up another cup* Tsk tsk tsk... Youth now a days... No respect.. No manners... absolutely dreadfull.. *smacks brolly right on his temples* Now go sleep you big brute..

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: Im 24 u stupid human and im a saiyan. I wll kill u if u dont tell me where Kakarot is.

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: *destroys all the cups including the new one*

2005-11-25 [KnightAngel]: *takes up a new set then pours up to Aurora and Bakuryu and himself* Here you are and terribly sorry about that... some people just have no manners..

2005-11-25 [Omega Zeon]: *creates a huge ball of energy and blasts all his stuff destroying everything but the humans* IM GETTING IMPATIONSHENT TELL ME WHERE KAKAROT IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-11-26 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin comes up behind USS}3Brolly and pressure points him knocking him out

2005-11-26 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora takes the cup of tea and slowly sips it, then glares at [Omega Zeon] "Do that one more time, and I swear to God all-mighty I will fucking have you banned from here!" She then turns back to Knight and blushes "Please excuse my choice of words...."

2005-11-26 [Omega Zeon]: *he doesnt flinch from the pressure point*

2005-11-26 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: USS}3 didn't flinch for it hadn't been a knockout move, it had ridged his whole body making him fall over and stay still on the ground. "It'll were off in a few minutes. As you Aurora I am sorry fot this mess". Said Rathin

2005-11-27 [Omega Zeon]: *gets up* I was off guard and i was at a normal stage if I had gone burzerk i wouldnt have fallen to a human

2005-11-27 [Lorric]: ummm alright?? *blinks*

2005-11-27 [KnightAngel]: *Remagetsu smiles softly* It's quite allright mistress... It's your home and your rules.

2005-11-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora smiles back "Its as much my home, as it is yours"

2005-11-27 [KnightAngel]: I am just a mere servant mistress *bows*

2005-11-27 [Angelic nightmares]: She then gets a smirkish grin, "You saved my husbands life Remagetsu, your more than a mere servant."

2005-11-27 [KnightAngel]: Well it is part of my job M'lady

2005-11-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora smiles again "Your not a servent"

2005-11-27 [KnightAngel]: *bows* But it's my life...

2005-11-27 [Angelic nightmares]: The smile fades slightly "Very true....but I'm not going to refer to you as a servent. In my eyes, you are so much more than that."

2005-11-27 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* as you wish mistress.. But it's just been my life for so long..

2005-11-27 [Omega Zeon]: *his eyes turn blank and his hair turns blue*

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Her smile fades, "I understand, I just rather not refer to you as a servent"

2005-11-28 [KnightAngel]: *lowers his head* I'¨m sorry mistress... But it is the truth... I don't know really how to be anything else...

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora places her hand on his cheek, and sighs slightly. "I understand, I really do. I was forced to be a servent in the Forster parents house, and I ran away when I was 17, and shorty afterwards I found Bakruyu again."

2005-11-28 [KnightAngel]: *sighed softly* I didn't even have any parents.. I was raised by a warrior halfelf and a female cleric... Which only learned me how to survive then letted me out on my own..

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: "Both my parents were killed when I was 7. Then from there I was going rom house to house. Learning alot of magick, and sword fighting. Everytime I would run away, cause I was looking for Bakuryu. When I did find him, it was too late. He was gone, and off at training."

2005-11-28 [KnightAngel]: *smiles* You where still lucky... You at least had a home and still got to know your parents some... Mine died when I was born.. And beeing what I was I was not welcome in either world.. Not even much with the halfelf..

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: "I didn't know my parents that well," She says softly "I was usually changing into a fairy and playing games with Bakuryu. When my parents died, I was taken away from my home, and.......well, you know the rest"

2005-11-28 [KnightAngel]: *nods* yes... But still you got the priveliege of knowing them.. Well.. Enough of these walks down memory lane... Time for your tea *he grinned and poured some up to her*

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: She takes the glass carefully, and slowly drinks it, "Whats in this? If you dont mind me asking?"

2005-11-28 [KnightAngel]: *grins* Various dried berries and some other flowers and other natural ingredients... For example cinnamon

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: She takes another sip, "Whats it supposed to do?"

2005-11-28 [KnightAngel]: *smirks* it's supposed to taste good... And to take care of any kind of poison or disease you might be suffering from

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles back and takes another sip "Thank you."

2005-11-28 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu laughs softly at the memory then sighs as his eyes fall upon [Omega Zeon]. He then stands and looks directly at him."I'm the one you're searching for."

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Takes off her Elfen protection necklace and palces it around Bakuryu neck. "Be careful my love"

2005-11-28 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu gently takes the Elven locket in his hand, nods, but removes it. "Keep this darling. You'll need it more than I will."

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora puts the necklace back on, and kisses his lips softly

2005-11-28 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles into the kiss and steps up, cracking his knuckles a bit.

2005-11-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora steps back to a safe distace, and watches

2005-11-29 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu takes a deep breath and moves to the Training Room.

2005-11-30 [Lorric]: *walks around a bit and notices a door cracked open* hmm *walks in and stops* mm mm mm MEAD!!! *pulls out his huge mug and pours himself mug after mug... few hours later, stumbles out of the room singing songs of an old forgoten warrior*

2005-11-30 [Lorric]: *stumbles into the training room*

2005-11-30 [night shade]: just then thor inter the pub to have a few drinks and to ask questions about his forgoten lover

2005-11-30 [Angelic nightmares]: Trys not to laugh at Lorric, "Lynx, your drunk, maybe you shouldn't go in there......"

2005-11-30 [Lorric]: I'm fine. *smiles* I won't feel any pain... today. *smiles drunkenly*

2005-12-01 [night shade]: thor looks sad at the bar because someone told him that his lover died b/c of a fire

2005-12-01 [Angelic nightmares]: She slowly walks up to night, "Thor, are you alright?"

2005-12-01 [night shade]: "yes, aurora im fine thank you its just hard sometimes you know i loved her with all my heart and i promised i would be back to see her sometime and now shes gone"

2005-12-01 [Angelic nightmares]: She tilts her head to the side, and places her hand on his back "What happened?"

2005-12-01 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu slowly walks out of the Training Room and sighs, no sign of the man that had been searching for him. With a look of disappointment on his face he sits next to Thor and looks to him."You alright?"

2005-12-01 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks up at Bakuryu and shakes her head slowly "Says he lost the one he loved..."

2005-12-01 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu looks up at Aurora."You're serious?" He lightly pats Thor's shoulder."Hey, we're here for ya man."

2005-12-01 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora hands Thor some tissues "Ya might need these....."

2005-12-01 [Omega Zeon]: *he flys above the castle and creats a powerful energy orb* IF U DONT TELL ME WHERE KAKAROT IS THIS CASTLE IS GOING TO OBLIVION!*he creats an unbreakeable shield incase anyone trys to attack him*

2005-12-01 [night shade]: "great trouble while im sad that makes me feel ANGRY!!" quickly turns into a dragon and his whole body was ingulfed in flames and says too himself "i hope no one knows im the castle protector." then ingages in battle with who ever was threatning the castle he loved

2005-12-01 [night shade]: "im sorry who ever you are because there is but one spell that can break that shield" thor then starts chanting some words and then suddenly the shield breaks and thor says with a mighty voice "NOW YOU MUST DIE FOR MESSING WITH THIS CASTLE!!" then thor shots a fireball from his mouth and sends him to a land beyond

2005-12-01 [night shade]: he then flys back down to the ground and changed back into a human and says while he was down on his knees and out of breath "i did it mistress i did it....." and then passes out

2005-12-02 [Lorric]: *gently picks up thor and takes him into the castle* AURORA!!!!

2005-12-02 [Angelic nightmares]: She ears pirk up at the sound of Lynx calling her, "I'll be back love." she says to Bakuryu, and reappears next to Lynx and Thor "Damnit! The hell happened?" She places her hands on Thor and starts to chat, his wounds slowly healing. "He was close to death, I'm glad you brought him in when you did."

2005-12-02 [night shade]: "wh....what happened?" says thor in a faint voice

2005-12-02 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks down at him smiling and throws her arms around him, hugging his tightly "Your alright!" She says, then realises he's just been healed, so she quickly lets go

2005-12-02 [night shade]: "well it seems you all missed me and im still in a little pain but i sence something coming this way." thor then trys to stand but falls back to the ground and says "wait theres something i must tell you all im not what you think i am.... a gardian from late history i hope you all can forgive me." and he looks at the group

2005-12-02 [night shade]: "well this time its not only going to be me but it will be all of us and points out the group." and then he uses telepithy to tell aurora

2005-12-02 [Angelic nightmares]: She walks from behind Thor, "I'm right here. And I can forgive you."

2005-12-02 [night shade]: "is that all you got fool?" and then says "its time to use the crystal my love gave me and ill show you how its done!? he then turns into a dragon and dissapears he then appears in front of the hooded human and pulls out the crystal once and throws it in the air it then explods and covers the castle thor then says "no one will destroy this castle!" also when the crystal exploded you turned into a dragon warrior

2005-12-02 [Omega Zeon]: *smoke covers his body* u dont get is do u*he walks out of the smoke and is unchanged* im a saiyan

2005-12-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora stands up and finally speaks for the first time a few hours, "[Omega Zeon],I'M F*CKING TIRED OF YOUR SHIT! DON'T COME BACK HERE! IF YOU MAKE ONE MORE COMMENT I'LL SEND A REPORT TO THE DAMNED GUARDS! I DON'T WANT YOUR ASS HERE ANYMORE!!" She turns on her heel and walks over to a nearby tree and changes into her fairy form and flies up into the tree, where she sits on a small branch.

2005-12-02 [Omega Zeon]: (im not doing anything)

2005-12-02 [Omega Zeon]: (man all i want is to have fun, i didnt know that nerds were so uptight, now i know why Mike Austen is always angry. All nerds hate people who dont act the way they want them to, im half and half)

2005-12-02 [Angelic nightmares]: (You are too! There ain't no one here by the name Karoroff (or how ever its spelled) if you want to stay here, then fucking stop trying to destroy the castle!)

2005-12-03 [night shade]: thor says " whats this hes retreating!" and just then he turns himself back into a human and the crystal then just reforms in his hand "cool huh guys?""i think im going to go get some rest see you all in the morning"

2005-12-03 [Angelic nightmares]: "NO more fucking fighting, if you want to fight someone that damn badly, then go to the fucking Castle Training Room"

2005-12-04 [night shade]: "sorry mistress." and kisses her hand

2005-12-04 [Angelic nightmares]: She turns to Thor and shakes her head, "You have nothing to be sorry for, its just hard trying to keep this castle in shape"

2005-12-05 [night shade]: "yes, I know after all i am a gardian of the castle 3 yrs ago." says thor

2005-12-05 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks at him, and tilts her head.

2005-12-05 [night shade]: "You see 3 yrs ago i left my post to search for the blue ice dragon that tryed to destroy the castle found it destroyed it and on the way back i joined with your group im sorry if i miss led anyone im sorry." thor then looks down

2005-12-06 [Lorric]: *pats thor on the back* There is nothing for you to feel sorry for.

2005-12-06 [night shade]: "Really and i thought you guys would be mad at me because i was a gardian of the castle." says thor

2005-12-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Auroua smiles at Thor sweetly, "We all have stories, and we all have pasts."

2005-12-06 [night shade]: "How true you are mistress thank you all for undersyanding." says thor with greatness

2005-12-06 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles and nods, but then frowns, "I hope Bakuryu's ok" she says softly

2005-12-06 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu flies up and outside, staring at [Omega Zeon]."That's enough! I'm the one you want!"

2005-12-07 [night shade]: "Well friends dont let other friends get there butt whipped in battle so im going with you!" say thor in a mighty voice and then the pain retures to his body from the last battle with him

2005-12-07 [Omega Zeon]: *grins* so ur kakarot.

2005-12-08 [night shade]: "I have been gone for so long i dont really remember were i live." says thor and walks away from the group "Why do i lead a damned life!!"

2005-12-09 [Lorric]: To becomed inlightend my child. *tries not to laugh*

2005-12-09 [night shade]: "well im going to my den in the mountains for the night" says john and hands Aurora a dark blue sapphire and says "call me when you need me"

2005-12-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu takes a deep breath then nods."Yes, I am Kakarot...But I've long since shed that name." He looks at the huge form of the man and his eyes fill with curiosity." What do you want with me?"

2005-12-11 [Omega Zeon]: *smirks* i want to kill you.

2005-12-12 [night shade]: "watch out my lord i shall save thee" says thor jumping in front of bakuryu

2005-12-12 [Omega Zeon]: *a man with greater size than brolly appears infront of him* I am Rogeta, God of the Saiyans.*he smiles* i will kill kakarot instead of Brolly*he kills Brolly with a tap*

2005-12-13 [night shade]: "ha you think im scared?" says thor and turns himself into a dragon

2005-12-14 [Omega Zeon]: *smirks* sends a spell at thor draining all his powers and immortality* that was simple

2005-12-15 [Lorric]: *steps in front of the spell and blocks it with my body*

2005-12-15 [night shade]: thor then pulls out a peice of onyx to save lynx and says some thing and teleoports the whole group outside the castle and says "sorry i had to frighten you all that way but it was the only way to save lynx plus no one has to jump in front of me because my suit absorbs spells and lets me attack 2X as hard."

2005-12-16 [Lorric]: *smiles weakly* It was my pleasure,

2005-12-16 [night shade]: "I think were going to have to stay outside the castle for a couple days till then you can all stay at my house in the mountains." says thor and then turns into a dragon and says "everyone get on......everyone ready?"

2005-12-16 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu lifts an hand."Enough. I'll deal with this."

2005-12-17 [Omega Zeon]: *turns super saiyan* this will be fun

2005-12-18 [night shade]: thor turns back into a human to listen to what bakuryu has to say and then says looking up " I think we have bigger problems!" looking at a taller version saiyan

2005-12-19 [Lorric]: *sighs and rips out Rogetas heart*

2005-12-19 [night shade]: "ok that was just a little intense there lynxs but it was cool" says thor

2005-12-19 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu's eyes fall on [Omega Zeon], a small smirk crossing his lips."I see you've learned a new trick." He says with a small smile. He then lets out a loud roar, a black aura exploding around his body.

2005-12-20 [Lorric]: sorry but I was getting a little tired of em.

2005-12-20 [Omega Zeon]: *regenerates* u fool u think u can defet a god that easily* *roar and a huge gold aura appears around him*

2005-12-20 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin appears from a nap in the trees to see what the comotion is about

2005-12-20 [Lorric]: *smiles and eats your heart, slowly gaining all of your powers*

2005-12-20 [night shade]: "wait a min. i just remembered from training a long time ago that people with god like power can only die if that red jem on the left side where his hearts suppose to be." say thor pointing at the jem

2005-12-20 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu spins around to face Lynx, his eyes blood red."Enough. Let me handle this."

2005-12-21 [night shade]: "just remember Bakuryu hit the jem." says thor

2005-12-21 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu nods and his eyes lock on [Omega Zeon]."Come on." he says with a smirk, the aura around his body growing bigger.

2005-12-21 [Lorric]: *shrugs and walks off still eating the heart*

2005-12-22 [night shade]: "hmmm your not going to do that to any of us are you lynx?" say thor in a slightly terrified voice

2005-12-22 [Omega Zeon]: *smirks* fool u think that will work*he snaps his fingers and his heart disapears and his power returns to him*

2005-12-22 [Omega Zeon]: *his power become overwelming as the planet start cracking and shaking sevierly* i have never lost a fight and i dont intendto either.

2005-12-23 [Lorric]: *looks at your half eaten heart* I already digested some of it. your powers have deminished, *smiles and fades into the shadows* no I wont do it to any of you, unless your that F***ing anoying.

2005-12-24 [Omega Zeon]: *smirks* u think uve won huh well ur mistaken* his eyes start glowig as his power become even greater than before* thanks to him i have no heart so no i have no will not to kill and thus acess my true power*the planet starts cracking8

2005-12-24 [Lorric]: so.. *looks around as the planet mending itself*

2005-12-25 [night shade]: "why does this happen to me?" pulls the clear crystal out of his pocket and throws it at the castle and a blanket of protection is over the city which is unbreakable

2005-12-27 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smirks softly, his eyes narrowing and his anger rising."[Omega Zeon]!!! Enough of this petty foolishness! If you want me, come and get me at the arena!"

2005-12-27 [Lorric]: Ah! I love the arena! Drinks all around!!

2005-12-30 [night shade]: "This battles is going to be intense are you sure your up to it Bakuryu just remember ill be in the stands if you need me." thor says in a whisper

2005-12-30 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin becomes interested in the idea of a fight, most interesting that had happened all day

2006-01-01 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu looked towards Thor with a slightly shocked look,"Thanks" he lightly whispered back.

2006-01-01 [night shade]: "No problem thats wut this teams for Bakuryu, to help you and the queen defend this castle." thor says

2006-01-02 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu grinned and stretched, waiting patiently.

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora lands in front of them all, in her Dragon form. She runs up to Bakuryu and jumps into his arms crying "I'm back from Romania." she says softly

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *Remagetsu blinks and watches his mistress hugs Bakuryu*

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Ahe slowly walks up to Remagetsu and hugs him as well

2006-01-02 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles and hugs his beloved wife."Welcome back darling! How was your trip?"

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *hugs startled back*

2006-01-02 [Dark Erk]: "HOLY CHRIST! REMAGETSU!" Bakuryu almost yells and tackles him. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!"

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: Ack! *ish tackled* Just standing right here my lesh o.o

2006-01-02 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu laughs and helps him up, going back to his wife, putting an arm around her.

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora laughs at the two of them. And smiles sweetly. "It was exciting, and I learned so much about Dragons. I spent alot of time in my dragon form, talking to the dragons."

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: Kneels down on one knee*

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora tilts her head, and says softly "Remasgesu, are you alright?"

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *raises his head* I'm fine m'lady... I just got very tired all of the sudden... Must have been the battle earlier that finally caught up with me..

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks at him worriedly, and runs to his side, and helps him to stand."Can I get you anything?"

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *shakes his head* I'm fine... I just need to rest.. That's all..

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: She helps him sits against a tree. "Then rest Remagetsu. I'll have my dragon watch over you." She calls her dragon to her side, and tells her to watch over Remagetsu.

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *smiles* Thanks but it is way to much m'lady... I can not allow yourself to risk yourself like that..

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles and shakes her head. "I have have Bakuryus dragon, and my dragon form." She sits next to him "While in Romania, I was training with the dragons."

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *grins* I guess I won't be able to change your mind can I mistress?

2006-01-02 [night shade]: "Go mistress, ill look after him that way you are not in any harm." says thor in a deep voice from behind her

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora turns to see Thor and smiles at him. "No Remagetsu, you can't change my mind." She smiles at them both sweetly.

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *grins and nods* As you wish m'lady

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: She hands him a small glass of tea. "Drink up"

2006-01-02 [night shade]: "Well ok only because Bakuryus is going to the arena to battle Rogeta or something like that" says thor

2006-01-02 [KnightAngel]: *smiles and takes the glass and sips* Thank you...

2006-01-02 [Angelic nightmares]: "Your most welcome" Aurora says smiling.

2006-01-03 [night shade]: "Bakuryus so when is that fight in the arena going to take place?" asks thor

2006-01-03 [Angelic nightmares]: Aorora runs her fingers thru her hair, and turns and leaves without saying a word.

2006-01-03 [night shade]: thor says to himself (something is up with her i shall follow her)

2006-01-03 [Angelic nightmares]: Walks up to the castle and into the library.

2006-01-04 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu lifts an eyebrow then puts his arms around Aurora, speaking telepthically to Thor,"I'm not quite sure. Whenever [Omega Zeon] decides to get there."

2006-01-04 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora places her hands in his and slowly turns around to face him.

2006-01-04 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu grins and tilts his head,"You alright love?"

2006-01-04 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks up at him, and smiles. "Yes love, I'm alright."

2006-01-20 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles and cuddles her.

2006-01-21 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles and cuddles back, softly whispering that she loves him

2006-01-22 [night shade]: thor nods his head to Bakuryu

2006-01-23 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles and nods his head to Thor, telling Aurora that he loves her too.

2006-01-23 [night shade]: "so bakuryu heard any rumors lately from the castle village?" say thor in a tone of bordum

2006-01-25 [Dark Erk]: "Actually no I haven't." Bakuryu responds. "Why? Have you?"

2006-01-26 [night shade]: "no not really i was just wondering." says thor to bakuryu

2006-01-26 [Dark Erk]: "Oh, ok then." Bakuryu replies, lightly snuggling Aurora.

2006-01-26 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks up, smiling at both Thor and Bakuryu, and snuggles ihm back

2006-01-26 [night shade]: thor looks at the woods to the south and see's someone hauling a trailer "hmmm someone coming out from the woods with a trialer thats odd." thor says

2006-01-27 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu looked in the same direction as Thor then looked to his love,"Aurora dear. Shall we go greet them?"

2006-01-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks in the direction they are, and slowly shakes her head. Then nods it quickly "Yes, but stay on your guard."

2006-01-27 [night shade]: "not to worry i will walk ahead you are forgeting i am the protecter of the throne and castle ill be within yelling distance." says thor in his mightyest voice

2006-01-29 [The Warlock]: *as the day wore on there came a man riding on a dark and powerful lokking dragon that soon landed near the castle and then got off and walked to the castle to see what was this place was all about since he had heard so much about it*

2006-01-29 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora slowly walks up to the stranger, and intorduces herself. "I'm Aurora."

2006-01-29 [night shade]: thor intros himself as well "Im the mighty Thor if you have a problem with are castle then you have a problem with me."

2006-01-30 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu steps up beside his love, introducing himself as well,"I'm Bakuryu."

2006-01-31 [night shade]: thor looks at the warlock and studys him and thinks to himself "Something doesn't add up about this guy."

2006-02-14 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks up at Bakuryu and smiles

2006-02-14 [Omega Zeon]: *appears beside them* i have learned to get rid of my agressiveness

2006-02-14 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora turns to look at him. "Then you can stay."

2006-02-14 [night shade]: thor shakes his hand hard and says"hi im thor and if you have a problem with any of us you come to me first." and then smiles

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